I seem to have written this in anger after one of the terrorist attacks.Mebbe i was immature then,but i guess the observations are perfectly correct.Kudos to my immature and young mind,hehe.But i guess we all need to think about it
Where there is love, distance doesn't matter. 不到黄河心不死
Hey ppl
Ooooopsss,its bin 6 days since i posted.Feel bad for that.Coz i can't keep everything inside of me.I need to throw it out somehow.I used to write journals,gud old fashioned ones before.Now its blogging.Lets c now.Last post was on saturday rite?K,we had our university exams on monday(engg practices-yewww!!-carpentry,plumbing/welding,lathe&electrical/electronics lab).Saturday was cool coz i dint study.Then came sunday,I realise my electronics records lost.Thank god i had another record,so i had to write the whole damn thing again.I was really afraid,my heart was beating like hell really madly.Thankfully we had our practicals in the afternoon and i was able to complete the record by 11am.Then came the next daunting task of roaming behind professors to get stuff signed.Lies ,lies more lies............excuses for not getting the work done earlier.I lie to myself and to the world.
Then as I am as I am,I din't do anything until tuesday evening,when i started urgently drawing graphs and the like for the next practical record.I have got tired of this life.I'm in love with gandhigiri(actually Gandhi's principles as adopted to the modern day life as shown in Lage Raho Munnabhai) you know.Because i have started hating myself for lying so often.That movie Lage Raho Munnabhai made me think.I can carry off lies pretty well.And i consider myself a very good liar.Now as i say it i feel ashamed not proud.Then why was i lying,doing something i hated myself for doing.So i dug myself up.And heres something i discovered.Procrastination was the root cause of all these lies,everything.Everyone tends to procrastinate a little.But some people start hating their life so much or become so tired of everything,that they start shying away from it.They,why use they,i'll use me.Well i unkowingly put away things i dont like doing for things i like doing.It gives me temporary pleasure.But at what cost.I end up watching a movie before my exam on the next day and keep telling myself i'll take care of it the next day.And the next day is gonna be crap.Then you get used to being shouted at.You get so used to lying,living a life of deceit ,that you think it is a life.But peace always evades you.So i identified the cause ,now most people won't agree that they procrastinate.They will have to realise that first if they want to have a happy and peaceful life.One tip i can give you is use timetables and schedules.Write them and follow them.I repeat write them as you tend to put it away if u plan it mentally.And I was surprised to find a very detailed analyis of this here in wikipedia of all places.The symptoms were perfect matched me like hell.And it does gve great solutions to get out of the mess too.And it works believe me.I have put off procrastination.I have procrastinated procrastination .But i guess thats good. And i find myself so much at peace with myself.I love my life now.A life of truth and peace.Its so nice .I have decided to be like this forever.Hope i will.Hope i wont procrastinate posting over here again.Hope you people will find peace and solace sometime too.Believe me lies lead to more of them and misery.So end it as soon as i can.Get help.Get a life.Until next time
Part 2
Hey ppl
I happened to see this great movie called Unnale Unnale.Its a really cool movie from jeeva.Its reminiscent of his previous movie Ullam Ketkumae,which i love to this day.I love movies that are real.Stuff that happens in life.The picturisation was awesome.So was the story and well many people din't like the climax ,but in my opinion,it was the best ending.My verdict would be to go and see it.Hey and see more off the run movies.Once you get the hang of it,you'll hate commercial movies.Some of the unconventional movies are really cool.They show you that the budget doesnt make a difference in a movie.I dont need to say anything about Mozhi.It was another super cool movie.But in my opinion,it Jyothikas character was over sensitive.But overall the movie was great.Well dats me.I love movies a lot.But i prefer what i call "real" movies.Cya then folks
Posted by
9:47 pm
Labels: procrastination lies truth unnale unnale deceit mozhi gandhigiri
Heya folks
Sorry for not posting yesterday n the day before.Well day before yesterday was hell was writing records all night long sleeplessly.Yesterday i was taking a well deserved break after the storm.Was at so much peace with myself yesterday after ages.Ill be with utmost peace after this wednesday.
You know we are like clothes.Our exams are our being washed in the washing machines.We lose everything on us.Our drying after the washing tied to the clothes line is preparing for the next exam.Our being folded n kept in shelves is vacation.And our being shouted at is our being ironed.Wot say folks.
Still thinking on the novel.Missed guitar class last week.So should make up tomorrow,so i'd better goto sleep now.
I think i should start audioblogging too.Sounds interresting.And vblogging,but i'll have to wait till june to get my cam for that.Oh n i have the washing next month,oops exams.So im getting dried now.
Important stuff in my lyf in these two days
1.Heard from a long lost friend.In fact the email was sent about a week or more ago,but i got the chance to see it only today.So on top of the world
2.I'm back into the cold.I was called perennial cold.Seem to have caught it again.
3.I'm having a smile on my face thinking of wednesday and an even bigger smile thinking of may 23rd.
4.Need to do more stuff on the blog.I'll do it as soon as i get more time.Atleast it'll take another week
Hi ppl
Stuffs been going on.Did my exams today badly as expected.Tomorrows exam is damn easy so no big deal.There's so much stuff i'd like to do but am not able to do.More about that in the future posts.But basically i think planning and organisation will get half the job done.So i have decided to plan my life and then go according to it.So using google calendars from yesterday.An old fashioned calender would do,but i spend so much time with the computer that this is better.Well i'll put up a list of things i wanna do alongside tomorrow so it will b a sorta incentive to me.My minds been working like real hard studying for tomorrows exam.So not much to post about.Its jus another day in the life of every college student during exams.Life sux at these times.You practically live on coffee with little or no sleep.Hope it changes sometime-sorta educational revolution required.
p.s. Been thinking hard about the novel.Ill start it on next wednesday.
Hey ppl
Tomorrows the worst exam coz i know nothing in it and the bludy prof resigned halfway n we got noone else fr it.So im all alone.Or am i?
Never think you are alone or the worlds against you.Its all about our attitude.If we think that way,our minds are tired of fighting.Learn to live in harmony.Do stuff that makes you happy.Crack jokes.Make sure ur minds never tired.Mebbe im advising myself.My conscience is advising me i think.Now im being advised to go n study for my solid n fluid mech exam(yuck!! :( ).Theres a lot to say.I'll meet you tomorrow
One thing that can end half the troubles of your life is not procrastinating.I do that a lot.And ended up no sleeping for a week,completing assignments and stuff.So i have learnt to be regular from then.Plan you work everyday and you'll feel really happy at the end of the day when you tick off the stuff you have completed.
Love you world
Im gonna blog from today as im gonna eat.
I hate these exams.
Do i need to be tested all my life?Anyways its how it works.I get through all this thinking life is a sorta theatre where u play ur role .
Anyways its been my all time dream to write a novel.I know its inside of me,its time i put it down somewhere.I kindly request the readers of this blog to guide me n help me through that too.I need a week to think up what to write.They say to start is to complete half a novel.I need a week to start.I'll put it up on another blog.Lets see how it goes.
Hmm all my submissions end this week.So very happy thinking about it.
Well one more thing i think about often is why is the media so TRP hungry instead of concentrating on the stuff within.Airplanes for one.They are always targeted whatever happens.I still believe aeroplanes are the safest means to fly from point A to B.Lets see why.Every working part onboard the aeroplane has a backup and has been designed for the extremes by some of the best engineers of the world.Compare that to our state transport buses.The pilots are highly educated and heavily trained to handle all sorts of problems.They are some of the sharpest people on the earth.Compare that to the drunken state transport driver whom we entrust our life to or think about the hundreds of drunken n "L" board drivers roaring through our gallis.And finally the total number of people who die due to car and road accidents every year in India alone is many many times the total number of people who have died in air accidents.So dont be afraid of flying ever.You are in the safest hands.As Bill Cont says "Gonna Fly Higher" in Rocky.Did i mention its one of my favorite movies.Love it.Inspires me everytime i see it.
Anways keep thinking and try to keep commenting as i feel awful talking to myself.Atleast i can take solace in the fact that somebody reads what i write.Until next time
Luv you world
I am the most laziest guy on the face of the earth.
Its about time i posted something.Else i cant call this a blog.As always ill try to be regular.Lets c how long i can keep this resolution of mine.
If you ever have to write records 5 of them,you'll know what is frustration.I have never been able to actually understand the purpose of writing records.In fact mosta the stuff colleges and schools teach us are repetitive things.Nothing out there to stimulate your brain.This has to change,else we'll be mass producing xerox copies of people like robots.Mebbe thats what the IT industry wants anyway.I hate to say that most of the work out there in the IT companies is repetitive boring work.You'll get bugged of it,but put up with it for the salary.The result?you end up with a spoilt body and no time fr family n socialising.Well thats my point of view and i really hope i never end up in a place like that.I really wanna do sumthin innovative.Lotsa stuff i think about.In the future posts i'll delve into some of them.
btw i'm at peace with life and am learning guitar.College is keeping me too busy to find time to do anything else.I guess i'll have to make time to do things i love doing and those that give me happiness,like blogging.Dats it for now world.Until the next post,bbie